Ten Years Being Gluten-Free

What I’ve learned the past ten years being on the gluten-free diet. Most of these are opinion based, but good to makes notes of what I have learned.

• My Life is important. What I put into my body is important to me.
• No one will guilt me into trying their food that has gluten in it.
• Don’t trust anyone’s word that a food they made is gluten-free [always check labels of ingredients]
• My body deserves proper nutrition.
• No one has to understand what I’ve been through. [If you would like to know, politely ask]
• Being gluten-free is more than an ‘upset tummy’
• Pack your own food for work, going out with friends, basically anywhere.
• If I’m going out for the day, bring lots of snacks.
• There are a lot of items that contain gluten that can make someone with Celiac Disease sick. Check medications, lip balms/lip gloss/lip stick, sunscreen, and makeup. Anything that would accidentally get ingested.
• Your well being is more important than a couple hours at a party[you can always bring gluten-free snacks with you]
• You can learn to bake/cook gluten-free food just as well as gluten containing food.

You deserve to be healthy, and happy!

~Gluten Free Joy

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