Minimal Waste Living

This site is suppose to be focused around gluten-free living. It is a blog for promoting a healthy life style. Especially those dealing with Celiac Disease, gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance.

But I would also like to talk about this being a place that feels comfortable about moving to minimal waste living/zero waste living. How it is related to Celiac Disease or living gluten-free?

I would like to incorporate my life style changes of going gluten-free, with also a blog of my working towards zero waste. Because living a healthier life style is more than just eating not gluten.

I am not perfect. I have my flaws. I slip up a lot. Here are a few things that I have started working on to work towards a simple living lifestyle:
Remember, being conscious of where you waste is going, is the first step to realizing how to change your behaviors:

• Switching over to metal straws instead of plastic straws
• Reusable sanitary napkins
• Reusing pieces of paper with blank paper on back
• Starting a vegetable garden
• Starting a compost bin
• Saving jars that could be reused
• Saving glass jars that can be reused
• Saving cans that could be used as flower pots
• Feeding left over scraps of food to animals like guinea pigs, parrots.
• Reusable mugs/cups
• Being conscious of where your trash goes
• Buying a wooden handled hair brush

Source Feature image:  @bernardhermant @

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